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NCA Objectives
Information and Training


The information presented in this site is extracted from FEMA and other authoritative websites and presented in condensed form with references to their sources. These sources are in the website library:
This information is used as the basis for the CERT documentation set that becomes part of this program. This documentation is available to community CERTs as a strawman document so they may adopt and adapt them for their own individual use.

A complete list of information sources and their website addresses are available in the References page in Resources. The NCA documentation set is available in the Documentation pages


The information for the education of CERT members and managers is derived from FEMA,FCC and Palm Beach County requirements. NCA does not provide direction or guidance to CERTs or CERT members and managers.

Sections 4 through 7 of the FEMA "Starting and Maintaining a CERT Program" [pages 63-107] address acquiring, tailoring, staffing and delivering training. NCA will initially include training as defined by FEMA for "CERT Basic Training" and supplementary training as prescribed by the FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS). Communications certification is provided by the FAA, ARRL and ARES organizations.

This training may include formal classroom studies, on-line courses, reading material, practice drills and exercises.